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Choreography for preschoolers Near Amiran, Almaty

11-20 from 91
ул. Радостовца, 87а, уг. ул. Шевченко
    • ул. Чойбалсана, 7 В
      Phone +7 777 353 36 55
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to

        In the Balapan program


    • мкр. Мамыр - 4, 156
      Phone +7 778 777 33 57
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ​ул. Ходжанова, 77/5
      Phone +7 701 711 69 27
      • Photo report for parents

        Photo report for parents

        Field trips

    • ​ул. Ходжанова, 76
      Phone +7 701 789 93 17
      • 10

        Number of children in a group up to



        Number of children in a group up to

    • ул. Гоголя, 87 Б
      Phone +7 777 053 22 41
      • 10

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Field trips

    • мкр. Мамыр 4, 4Б
      Phone +7 701 496 81 11
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Навои, 208/6
      Phone +7 777 386 54 84
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Вольная, 14, уг. пр. Сейфуллина
      Phone +7 777 226 06 26
      • In the Balapan program


        In the Balapan program

    • мкр. Мамыр 4, 121 А
      Phone +7 707 755 49 97
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to



        Number of children in a group up to

    • ул. ​Талдыарал, 3
      Phone +7 775 651 55 69
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to



        Number of children in a group up to