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Full day kindergarten group Near Boss International Tourism Company, Almaty

11-20 from 157
ул. Казыбек би, 117/86, уг. ул. Масанчи, 7 этаж, 702 офис
    • ул. ​Каирбекова, 37
      Phone +7 700 205 22 22
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to



        Number of children in a group up to

    • ул. Минина, 24 А
      Phone +7 701 610 25 96
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Аманжолова, 54
      Phone +7 777 477 75 72
      • Transportation



    • ул. Кастеева, 8, уг. ул. Богенбай батыра
      Phone +7 727 291 52 96
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Field trips

    • ул. ​Кармысова, 90
      Phone +7 701 378 77 76
      • Transportation


        Number of children in a group up to

        In the Balapan program

    • ​ул. Лысенко, 24
      Phone +7 701 305 00 07
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Жуковского, 7
      Phone +7 701 237 61 71
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to

        In the Balapan program


    • ул. ​Кастеева, 74
      Phone +7 708 564 66 11
      • CCTV


        Number of children in a group up to

        In the Balapan program

    • ул. Бегалина, 121
      Phone +7 727 291 52 56
      Стоимость обучения в месяц
    • ул. Тимирязева, 15 А
      Phone +7 747 436 58 21
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents