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Kindergarten Group: 3-4 years Near Almaty Management University, Almaty

51-60 from 168
бул. Бухар Жырау, 12А, ул. Маркова
    • ул. Абиша Кекилбайулы, 32а
      Phone +7 747 842 56 89
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Жуковского, 7
      Phone +7 701 237 61 71
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to

        In the Balapan program


    • ул. Найманбаева, 22/2
      Phone +7 777 015 31 42
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Садовникова, 186
      Phone +7 707 101 01 34
      • 12

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Field trips

    • ул. ​СТ Ремизовка, 6
      Phone +7 747 263 07 40
      • CCTV



      Стоимость посещения садика в месяц
    • ул. Кыз Жибек, 119
      Phone +7 708 957 21 66
      • 12

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. Кастеева, 8, уг. ул. Богенбай батыра
      Phone +7 727 291 52 96
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Field trips

    • ул. Навои, 208/6
      Phone +7 777 386 54 84
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to


        Number of children in a group up to

        Photo report for parents

    • ул. ​Каирбекова, 37
      Phone +7 700 205 22 22
      • 15

        Number of children in a group up to



        Number of children in a group up to

    • ул. ​Подгорная, 7/2
      Phone +7 707 775 73 13
      • Transportation


        Photo report for parents